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Have faith in God… Mk 11:22

Blessing, Healing and Releasing. God wants to bring blessing, healing and releasing into our lives. Each of us face the various challenges life can bring. God sent His Son to free us from the bondage of this world. These include blessing, healing and releasing.

Blessing, Healing and Releasing | Blessings

Blessing entails meeting the needs required in this life. A job, a family, having children along with a loving and stable relationship with our spouse, children, parent(s) and fellow believer. Therefore, each of these things are important to God and he wants to provide these good things for us. Furthermore, it is written in Matthew 7:11, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

The Lord wants to feed us, clothe us and bless us. Indeed, over the years I have often found my dear wife Lillian has often prayed for those who needed and wanted better jobs and those prayers being answered. In addition, there have been a number of married couples who have struggled conceiving and after Lillian praying with them, they had a child. God is good; He loves us and intends the best for you and I.

Blessing, Healing and Releasing | Healings

Healing is in the plan of God. Both Jesus and the early church healed the sick. As a result, healing in the bible entails physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Men, women and children were healed of various issues. The Lord affirms we can do what He does (John 14:12). His name already carries Authority on earth. Our task, the faith part is to step and execute that Authority. Healing is the blessing, which flows from heaven reaching down into earth. Consequently, our Lord extended His power to lives here on earth.

Specifically, in the bible we find Jesus taking the time to minister to people. There is hardly a place in scripture whereby Jesus separated the message of the gospel without ministering in healing and releasing people from any oppression by the enemy. The result is freedom and blessing.

Blessing, Healing and Releasing | Deliverance

Moreover, the early church did nothing less. Healing and deliverance were the focus. These people continued the ministry of Christ. Now, the Holy Spirit resident in Christ is now resident within the believers of the church. The church certainly emphasized what Christ did. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38).

The church is commissioned to continue the ministry of Christ here on earth. Your life counts; your life matters. Indeed, healing is part of the plan for your life. We have ministered to a number of people over the years and have seen the Lord heal everything from cysts to backs and necks. Therefore, here is a recent testimony from a woman whom we invited for a workshop at our church on the Holy Spirit. “Thank you for having me and praying for me. My neck and back feels much better, it’s amazing pain disappeared as soon as you prayed for me.”

Blessing, Healing and Releasing | Releasing

Releasing people from the stress and pressure people face at times, along with the oppression the enemy brings is also the design of God. Jesus spent over one-third of His ministry releasing people from the oppression they faced. Interestingly, there is a fine line at times with healing and emotional or mental stress. The woman with the issue of blood was not only a person whose money was spent, she was worn down and drained mentally and perhaps emotionally.

The one key element we employ is waiting and not rushing when ministering to people. A woman came for prayer at the end of the service. Some folks on our team had spent time praying for her. However, as I saw her standing there I sensed the Lord was not done with her yet.

Blessing, Healing and Releasing | Ministry

For a moment, let me digress. In the ministry of the Jesus and the early church they did not rush when ministering to people. A boy with a mute spirit is brought to Jesus. The boy’s father is near. While the spirit convulsed him among other things, the Lord did not rush. He begins to dialogue with the father. (Mk.9:22-22). At times, we see similar things as it relates to healing. Two examples, include Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the issue of blood. (Mk. 5:22-43). Let’s quickly look at Paul. Paul does not seem to be in an immediate rush to heal the cripple that is present hearing Paul speak. However, as he is speaking he observes the man has faith to be healed. Then Paul responds. (Acts 14:8-10).

Back to the woman we were ministering too. I took a moment to wait. Suddenly, I felt the prompting of the Spirit (Holy Spirit) and the Lord say, “go now and release her from this oppression.” As this was done, she was free from the extensive anxiety that plagued her. I sensed beforehand there was a deep level of anxiety she had been struggling with for about ten years and she affirmed it afterward when I asked. The Lord is good and we are all a work in progress.

In summary, everything God does includes: blessing, healing, and releasing.


Some Testimonies of Healing… it’s all about Jesus.


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