
Blessing | Healing | Releasing

My name is Pastor Vince:

Welcome to BHR-Networks. Would you like us to visit and minister in your area or at your church?

The Supernatural power of God always entails Blessing, Healing and Releasing. My wife and I have always been involved in ministering to people.


We have witnessed people receiving a job when Lillian has prayed for them. Also, a number of married women who struggled to become pregnant conceive a child. There is a blessing for you as well.


I have seen many released from those things oppressing them after prayer. Scripture says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1st Peter 5:8). But it is the will of God for them to be free and live in freedom.

In Acts 10:38, it says, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”


I have prayed and seen people healed. God wants to heal. Honestly, it’s all about Jesus. A testimonial: “My neck and back feels much better, it’s amazing pain disappeared as soon as you prayed for me.”

We have been empowered to minister in healing, releasing those who are oppressed and blessing the lives of others. My wife Lillian and I have been ministering to people over the past 25 years. The Lord is gracious and leads us in His ways.

The scripture tells us we can do what He does in John 14:12. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to simply continue what Christ did while here on earth. The target is always the wellness and wholeness of the people.

Our approach is not dogmatic. It is filled with grace and gentleness. The Lord loves us and wants to minister us. He sets the example and we seek to model that example. Believe me, you would enjoy Lillian and I ministering in your setting.

Do you believe God heals? Do you believe he wants to touch lives and minister to the pain and suffering of others? He does indeed and we love the Body of Christ so much that we believe God has called us to minister and bless His people.
